Some of us find joy in giving. Others like getting…… and will do anything to get more. For example, a man in Japan who wanted to get the maximum amount of birthday presents so he started dating………… 35 women at once.
Put aside the fact that he was being a tool. A guy that has the kind of game could make millions writing a book and speaking tour. Lonely guys would give their left foot to learn how he pulled it off. Then he could buy all the presents he wants.
Instead, he got arrested. Some of the ladies found out about the others and pretty soon they all got together and went to the police. He got pulled in on fraud.
All in all, he brought in about $700 worth of presents…… from 35 different girlfriends. An average of $25 each. Maybe his game wasn’t all that great.
Get a look at this modern day Casanova and read more HERE.