Jill is a small town kid, growing up just west of Lincoln around Emerald and Malcolm. She’s an extremely proud aunt and spends as much time as she can at her nieces and nephews activities and taking them on adventures. When not at the kid’s sporting events and activities Jill loves to read, cross-stitch, shop for coffee mugs, and is working harder than she needs to trying to not kill her plants. She’s a huge Husker fan, and loves the Kansas City Royals and Atlanta Braves! Baseball and football season are the best times of year!
JIll's Blogs

Make A Difference Fair
Each year at this time, each of us gets a letter from Mr. Eric Nelson's class at Scott Middle School letting us know about the Make A Difference Fair. We all love that the students send us these letters and know Mr. Nelson's students work hard on their projects for the fair to raise awareness of issues in our community...
May 01, 2024

This Hit Me Right In The Feels
I went down a TikTok rabbit hole last night. I've been following Ed Dudez for a long time but haven't been on the TikToks in a while so I was getting caught up on his posts. He's always so inspirational and positive, but I'm not gonna lie, a few of his posts got me in the feelers. So yeah, you have to get hit in the fe...
Feb 02, 2023
Geoff McKay / CC

A Bird That Barks!
Have you ever heard a bird bark like a dog? This magpie does! Molly is best friends with a dog named Peggy and her sister Ruby, and has learned to bark just like them! Enough that neighbors actually thought there were three dogs in the house, not two! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Interspecies friendship...
Jan 26, 2023
Bettina Arrigoni / CC

I Never Saw These Paintings This Way!
I love Bob Ross. Who doesn't love The Happy Painter? Some of my favorite memories from childhood are of watching Bob Ross paint happy little trees, and a happy little clouds and whatever else he was painting with my big brother. For Christmas and birthday presents, I will get my brother Bob Ross things. Calendars, figu...
Jan 19, 2023
haiden goggin / CC

Feel Good Friday!
For some reason this one got me in the feels today. pic.twitter.com/ddEWsKHmXx - WholesomeMemes (@WholesomeMeme) January 6, 2023 I'm pretty sure I've shared this before but as I'm the Owner, President and CEO of Over Thinkers Anonymous and still fret over things all the way from elementary school, it continues to bothe...
Jan 06, 2023
cattan2011 / CC