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2 year likes dolls, pudding, and equations about Boson quarks.

By Austin Michael May 27, 2021 | 8:10 PM

How old were you when you joined Mensa; 20, maybe 25? For me it was….. uh, never. I’m like most people who don’t have that kind of mutant brain power. But a two year old California girl does. She has an IQ of 146 and is now the youngest member of Mensa. Yes, at two, she can identify all the elements by their symbols on the periodic chart. Most of my friends can’t spell “periodic”. She also knows 50 signs in sign language and can identify every state by its shape.

The average IQ of people in the United States is 98………. Which is…….. eh, we could really do better people.

Anyway, if you watch her, you can tell she’s a normal, energy filled little girl who happens to have awesome memory skills.

There’s a video news report with the girl in it at THIS LINK.