This is too bad, Bruce Willis is going to stop making movies because he’s been diagnosed with aphasia. Aphasia leaves people unable to understand written and verbal language. So, they’ll know what they are thinking and want to say, but can’t say it or understand what anyone else is trying to communicate to them. That’s worst case scenario and I hop Bruce doesn’t have to go through that. There are three types of aphasia with varying degrees of symptoms. It is treatable and some people fully recover. Most people have some amount of it for the rest of their lives. It’s usually caused by a stroke.
There are diseases that I’m scared of, and diseases that terrify me. Aphasia falls in the “terrify” category because your mental acuity is there. You know what you’re thinking, but you can’t connect with people. I wish Bruce all the best and I’m sure he’ll get the best help to deal with it and make a recovery.