If you’re at a major league baseball game, keep an eye out for Jill, Cracker Jill. New packaging for Cracker Jack food thingees…… whatever it really is, has a girl on it. That’s the new character Cracker Jill. It’s to celebrate the women who break down barriers in sports. The packages feature five different Jills of different ethnicities and from blonde to blue hair. From what I understand, this is not one of them limited edition, only available for so long or so many promotions that I’ve come to detest. A spokesperson for Frito Lay, who own the candy or popcorn or whatever the heck it is, released a statement saying, “the intention is for all five Jills to continue to join Sailor Jack as a member of the team roster and part of the brand ethos.”
Ok, I had to know. According to Wikipedia, Cracker Jacks and Jills consist of molasses flavored, caramel coated popcorn and peanuts. Many of the clone recipes use corn syrup and brown sugar and sometimes actual caramel. Here is a copycat recipe.