A cat is going to be the mayor of a town in Michigan. Which, after the last 6 years of politics including a certain race her in Nebraska, sounds like a good idea to me. The cat, Jinx is her name, is already an internet star. She has these giant eyes and oversized feet that make him fun to watch. And now Jinx is going to parlay that popularity into politics. Sort of.
The town, which is named Hell, will let anyone be mayor for an hour or a day. For a small donation, $100 a day or $25 for an hour, they will proclaim it. Jinx is going to be mayor for three days. Jinx’s human is asking fans to send in proclamations for Jinx to make. So far, suggestions have included banning bird dogs and mandatory salami.
If you’d like to be mayor of Hell, it does come with perks: a T-shirt, a mug, a badge, a mayoral proclamation certificate, along with a certificate of impeachment at the end of the day and property ownership of one square inch in Hell.
THIS LINK will take you to the site you can sign up to be mayor.