There’s more news about how coffee is a wonder drink that will give you super powers and let you live forever. Well, live longer according to this new study. It says that people who drink coffee, sweetened or unsweetened, are 30% less likely to die from anything over a 7 year period. That’s if you drink moderate levels which they define as 1 ½ to 3 1/3 cups a day. Also, by “sweetened”, they aren’t talking about what you get at a big name coffee store. They’re talking about 4 grams of sugar. In comparison, the typical caramel macchiato has 15 grams of sugar in it.
I have never liked the taste of coffee. I’ve had many people tell me that I need to try something like a caramel macchiato, that I would love the taste. I’m sure it tastes great, but here’s the thing, it’s no longer coffee at that point. It’s all the other stuff with some coffee in it. I can’t mentally separate myself from coming to the conclusion that I can have the caramel macchiato without the coffee and still get the same taste. To me, coffee tastes like water with warm dirt in it.