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New machine turns air into water. See it in vid in blog.

By Austin Michael Jun 14, 2022 | 8:05 PM

In Star Wars, Luke grew up on a farm. But it wasn’t with crops, they pulled water out of the air. A new company called Kumulus have invented a machine that can do that now. It takes in air and runs that through a filter to clean it. Then the machine does some cooling and replicates dew like you find on the lawn in the morning. It collects that moisture. It also runs of solar energy. The hope is to help bring clean water to areas that don’t have it. You know, like Kid Rock’s bathroom. I heard he showers in beer.

Anyway, they say these Atmospheric Water Generators can put out 5 to 8 gallons of water a day. It’d be interesting to see if something like this could work in a place like Mars’s atmosphere. It does have traces of oxygen and water in the air there.