There are only a couple foods that Jenny and I disagree on. One of those is Runzas, aka cabbage burgers, aka Bierocks in German. I bring it up because I found out that the people putting on the Oktoberfest celebration in Hays, Kansas are planning on making the world’s largest Bierock. I shared the Facebook post about it with Jenny as a joke, knowing she doesn’t like them.
But the more I think about it, the more I kind of want to go see this thing. The more I want to eat a piece of it and be able to say I ate the world’s largest bierock.
I don’t know why Jenny doesn’t like them. Her grandmother makes really good bierocks. Sometimes she’ll send frozen ones to us. My mom used to wrap them differently than Runzas when she made them. She would cut squares of dough, put the fillings in, and then pull all the corners to the side so that each one looked like a pyramid. The lady in this recipe video does the same thing. By the way, I checked the Guinness World Records site and couldn’t find a current “biggest bierock” record. So, the Hays people could make a 2 pounder and get away with it. Let’s hope it’s more along the lines of 1,000 pounds. My mouth’s watering already.
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