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New York airs PSAs about surviving nuclear attack, freak people out. Odd video in blog.

By Austin Michael Jul 14, 2022 | 8:04 PM

If public service announcements started popping up on TV about what to do in a nuclear attack, I would start getting worried. For whatever reason, the City of New York started running PSA about nuclear attacks recently. They say it’s not based on any threats. So why do it? Their response is, “It’s just one tool in the toolbox to be prepared in the 21st century”.

A tool? Not really when you consider the ridiculous advice the PSA gives like, shut all doors and windows……… as if that’ll stop the blast. If you were outside during the blast, take a shower and lose your clothes……….. which might be kind of hard considering that you and the clothing are all ashes. Also, stay inside until officials say it’s say………. Like it’s bad weather or a tornado passing through. It’s almost as useless as those “duck under your school desk and cover your head” spots they had in the 50s.

The Mayor of New York responded, “I’m a big believer in better safe than sorry.” I mean, sure, I guess. Good thing he’s hopping on it now, 40 years since anyone was really worried about a nuclear attack……… that we know of.