A couple of times in the last few years, I’ve been at an airport when the computer systems crashed causing delays and problems. Was it because they still use floppy disks? Tom Persky, the man who runs Floppydisk.com, has a new book out. In it, he says that airlines around the world are his biggest customers of……….. floppy disks. He wrote, “Probably half of the air fleet in the world today is more than 20 years old and still uses floppy disks in some of the avionics.”
A floppy disk holds around 1.5 megabytes. The average size of a picture that my phone takes is 9 megabytes. One picture.
Persky also said that the medical industry uses them a lot too. Although, I think we have to consider what he says on a worldwide lever. I have severe doubts that it’s the airlines and medical facilities in the United States. I know all of my different doctors are locked in to tech just from the 30 different passwords I need just to access online portals to find a prescription or send a note to my doctors.