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Blowing houses up but not the way you think. Literally using inflatables to make cheaper houses.

By Austin Michael Oct 13, 2022 | 7:50 PM

There seems to be a surge of new types of houses recently. There are the ones that are pods that float in the ocean that a company tried to debut a few weeks ago and it fell over onto the pier. There are the ones being built with the use of a gigantic 3-D printer. I mentioned that last week. And now, houses that are built from inflatables.

The way I understand it is that the company, Automatic Construction, has inflatables that are the shape of a small house. They blow it up and fill the inflatable with concrete. It deflates as it gets filled. And you end up with a monolithic cast building. It’s a complete concrete structure that you can paint or do whatever to cover walls. They’re not built for style. However, they are built for about $20 per square foot compared to the average of $200 to $300 per square foot for regular made homes.

I really wanted to see a video, but the only thing they have is an animation of what it does. That’s makes me wary. Why wouldn’t you post videos? It costs more to produce animation.

By the way, experts predict that the US will need 100,000 new homes every day to keep up with population growth.