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A dog convinced me that curtain lights are cool. Watch cute vid of pooch bark at sound activated lights.

By Austin Michael Nov 9, 2022 | 6:45 PM

I wasn’t going to buy these Christmas lights, but a dog changed my mind. I was looking at the LED curtain lights that say they react to music. I talked myself out of it because I’ve seen lights like this that say they do, but they don’t. Then, 2 days later, I came across a video of a dog that discovers he can make lights react to his barks. He seems to be entranced as he randomly barks and watches the lights shine quickly each time. As I watching, I noticed that it’s the curtain lights I’d almost bought. And I thought. Those work pretty well. So, I’m probably going to go back and get them. Watch, they’ll be sold out by the time I get a chance to go back.

Meanwhile, watch the dog be amazed by the magic power of his own bark.