Ants are attacking people and pets in Hawaii. And not in the fun way. Millions of Fire Ants are swarming the island of Kauai and they like going people while they’re sleeping. And they even drop out of trees on people jogging. It’s been so bad that there’s an entire organization that works on fighting ants on the islands called The Ant Lab. Their spokesperson said, “You used to be able to go out hiking and go to the beach. They can rain down on people and sting them.” It’s been going on for years, but this year is the worst they’ve ever seen. One of the ways the fight it is by going up in a helicopter and spraying ant birth control over the islands.
Bites can cause swelling and redness for weeks or even open, pus filled lesions. There are usually a couple hundred thousand in the bigger mounds. And if you think you can escape them by getting into water, forget it. They can float and will cling to each other in order to form a living raft to get across water.