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Didn’t get Covid vax? You’re probably a terrible driver. Study says so. Read in blog.

By Austin Michael Dec 16, 2022 | 6:52 PM

If you aren’t vaccinated for Covid, your chances of getting Covid AND crashing your car are higher. It’s science! A bunch of Canadian researchers did a deep dive into the health stats of 11 million people. Statistically, they found that people who haven’t been vaccinated, about 16 percent of them, had the most car crashes that sent people to the hospital.

Obviously, the Covid vaccine doesn’t make you a better driver. It has to do with how people think to begin with. The researchers think a probable relation is that people who refuse to get vaccinated have a misconception of everyday risks that can lead to accidents. Also, a “freedom” mentality. Kind of a “you can’t tell me what to do” psyche that leads them to ignore rules like stop signs and the like.

I wish there was a vaccine for bad drivers. They’d make a billion dollars in Lincoln just off people who run red lights in. I keep meaning to make a video and post it. Every……. Single…….. stop sign, 2 to 4 people run the red light. Just last month, on “O” street, I saw a guy do a U-turn at a red light against traffic. It was insane.