There’s an artificial intelligence program, called NVIDIA Eye Contact, that takes clips from movies and changes where the people are looking. For instance, if the shot is on Tom Cruise and he’s talking and looking at someone off to the side, I can change his eyes to look like they are looking straight into the camera.
You know that uncomfortable feeling you get when someone is talking to someone else, and making a specific point, but they’re staring at you while doing it? That.
There’s a montage of movie clips in a post that someone used to show how it works. The creepiest one is where the hitman from “No Country For Old Men” is talking to cashier, but the eyes change and look straight into the camera.
I’ve posted it on my blog at
It also works on video chats and meetings so that it looks like you never look away from the person you’re talking to. I think the app might already be available for smart phones.
making characters look directly at camera
— ActionMovieDad (@ActionMovieKid) January 24, 2023