
Possible cure for extremely deadly brain eating amoebas.

By Austin Michael Feb 16, 2023 | 6:55 PM

Last summer I talked about how instances of brain eating amoebas are becoming more frequent and the cases just down the road in Nebraska and Iowa. I also mentioned the really, really low survival rate. That might change. Doctors in California beat one of these infections with a drug that was previously used to treat urinary tract infections. However, they had to order it from China because it’s not approved for commercial use in the United States.
Something else I learned from reading about this is that these amoebas don’t always make you sick quickly. They can take years to make you show symptoms. Also, that some of the damage isn’t just from the amoeba. It comes from how our immune system goes after it damaging our own bodies in the process.
Luckily this guy was able to beat it after suffering brain swelling and lesions.