If doctors told you that there’s a brand new molecule that scientists invented, but it probably cures Alzheimer’s, would you take it? I mean, if you had Alzheimer’s. Scientists in Israel did create a new molecule and tested it on mice. They found that it cured the mice and returned them to normal cognitive abilities. And it did it without really reducing the plaque buildup that most doctors associate with Alzheimer’s. Instead, they focused on a specific protein and its effect on mitochondria. They say they have high hopes for it, but it could take 7 to 10 years to develop anything.
I’ve had an uncle die from Alzheimer’s and I know my grandmother had dementia that I think was Alzheimer’s. It really scares me because I can’t fathom losing who I am, my personality, my abilities, an my memories. And I know that people hate seeing it happen to loved ones. It’s like losing somebody, but it’s dragged out over years constantly fraying emotions.
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