Tupperware, as a company, is saying that they may go out of business in 6 months. Their stock price dropped 49% yesterday to $1.24. Jenny was telling me this last night and I was like, “Whuuut? Tupperware? How does a name brand that has been a part of American life for so long suddenly drop in value?” She told me that it’s because they’ve lost so many customers and not getting new ones.
I replied, “Well, they are expensive.”
Jenny said, “They have a lifetime warranty. They will replace them.”
I said, “Millennials don’t care.” I’m not being mean. It’s a proven consumer aspect of that demographic that they’ll buy something inexpensive that works now and not worry so much about how well it works later. They’ll just toss the old one and buy another cheap one. And it’s not just Millennials. People everywhere are trying to save a buck. I’m Gen X, writing this as I eat my lunch at work. You know what I bought it in? Rubbermaid. I got three containers for a dollar.
It’s not like the good old days where someone passes the Tupperware on to someone else after they die, like a cherished heirloom. It’s usually right after the collectible plates from 50 states.