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Girl outmaneuvers entire other team in T-Ball. Watch cute vid in blog.

By Austin Michael Jun 20, 2023 | 7:55 PM

There’s a trending video tweet that shows a little girl with some mad t-ball skills. She hits the ball, it goes straight to the pitcher who accidentally kicks the ball towards the right line. Then 90% of the other team scrambles for the ball. They hilariously look like a school of fish swimming in sync. At the point where they could have tagged her out, the girl escapes using a fancy maneuver that isn’t normally seen in t-ball, baseball, or any other sport beside gymnastics….. or in The Matrix. It kind of looks like a scene in The Matrix. And since everyone, including the 1st baseman chased the ball, there was no one on first base to toss it to, so she made it on safely. Unfortunately it doesn’t show or say how she did in the rest of the game.