A handbag that is literally so small that you need to use a microscope to see it just sold at an auction yesterday for $63,000. It’s smaller than a grain of sea salt. You can probably fit at least 50 of them on your fingernail. It was created using a special 3-D printer used for microscopic plastic parts and inspired by Louis Vuitton bags. It even has the signature LV printed on it. The tiny bag is neon green, but otherwise looks like a LV handbag. Oh yeah, you also get a free microscope with it so you can see what you bought.
By the way, you can get an actual LV hand bag, human size, for about $60,000 less.
The company that created the small satchel, MSHCF, also admits that they never got permission from LV to use their logo or design. So, we’ll see how much of that $63,000 they get to keep after being sued for copyright. I don’t think they’re real worried. They pretty much formed so that they could make fun of the outrageous excess that the art and fashion world is known for. They once took 666 pairs of Nike sneakers and decorated them with satanic symbols and drops of real human blood. They got sued for that.