First, did you know there are over 2,000 miles of streets in Lincoln? 2nd, would you have the time and the will to run down all of them? Daniel Weyer just finished running every street in Lincoln last Saturday. I wanted to more about this amazing feat. So I messaged Daniel with a bunch of questions.
Me: What was your wife’s reaction when you told her you were going to run every street in Lincoln?
Daniel: She thought I was crazy since I started running at 37 years old. I really didn’t tell many people… but most thought it was nuts.
Me: Easiest streets to run in Lincoln?
Daniel: Surprising, B, C, D, and E between 18th and 21st; wide streets with nice houses.
Me: Hardest?
Daniel: Aylesworth Avenue was very hilly.
Daniel also told me that next on his list is to be the 2 hr half pacer at the St. Joe race in a couple weeks.
Here’s the full rundown of the Q and A.
FYI There were a few walks, but mostly I ran about 9 min miles. Started running in 2015 with my first race being the Lincoln Half in May
When did you start? I had a friend direct me to city strides where you could link your running data and it would tell you the % of the different cities that you ran. I liked it because it sort of game-ified my running. I was killing myself trying to get faster. But I was way behind him at 10% done and Jeremiah was 30 or 40% done
Why do this? I started with small towns. I completed Hickman almost right away. It says I joined citystrides in Sept 2020. And I finished Hickman’s 69 streets in nov 2020. Then finished Hickman again in 2022 since they added new roads. My friend stopped working on it so I started doing it. Once I hit 80% I became laser focused on getting this done
Any dogs chase you? Lots of barking dogs, but none have chased me
Did you learn anything about Lincoln that you had no idea about before? Lots of gravel roads in the middle of town. Had to run 112th street and part of bluff rd.
What was your wife’s reaction when you told her you were going to hit every street in Lincoln? She has thought I was crazy since I started running at 37 years old. She knows it is now meditative for me and usually is supportive. I really didn’t tell many people…but most thought it was nuts
Any new gigantic goals now that you’ve finished this? I have tried and failed 5 times to break 4 hours in a marathon. Trying to talk a friend to sign up for 29029 everesting.
Easiest street to walk in Lincoln? Surprising B/C/D/E between 18th and 21st wide streets with nice houses
Hardest? Aylesworth Ave was very hilly
What advice would you give to anyone else who gets it in their head to try to do the same thing? Break it apart a huge goal into small pieces. I found splitting off and running 3 miles to finish Roca or 5 miles to finish Hallam helped me feeling like progress was being made.