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LPD, Malone Center Resumes Random Acts Of Kindness Program

By Tom Stanton Dec 7, 2023 | 11:39 AM

The Random Acts of Kindness program is back after a two year break. It’s a partnership between the Lincoln Police Department and the Malone Center. It began in 2020 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide protests after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

LPD Captain Tarvis Banks they take donated money and put it in the hands of people in need during the holiday season.  “They raise the funds for us and we give out $300 donations to families in the community.  It’s an exciting time, especially during the holidays.”

John Goodwin is the executive director of the Malone Center and says private donors across the state and around the country contribute to the program.  “They believe in this cause, they wanted to bless other families and this is a great way to do it.

The program resumed in 2023 after a two year hiatus.   During a ceremony Thursday morning outside the Hall of Justice Malone Center represenatives presented LPD with a nearly $26,000 check.

The money will be put in envelopes and LPD officers will be distributing the money in the next few days.  “It’s a cheerful moment,” Banks says.  “Some people cry, some people are excited.  It’s a gamut of emotions.  It’s a great time especially during the holiday season.”