Home Depot is selling swords. Go to their website and you’ll find replicas of Mel Gibson’s sword from the movie “Braveheart” for sale. The description by the sword says, “Reclaim your FREEDOM from the tyrannical English king with this authentic William Wallace sword.” It says that it’s made of stainless steel and metal. And metal? What does that mean. Uranium is considered metallic. It also includes a rough leather sheath for durable storage. You know, for the times you unsheathe it to swing it’s dull edges around in the air while watch the movie and pretend to be real life William Wallace who bathed literally only once or twice a year.
I looked a bit deeper in the Home Depot website and found plenty of other medieval products like armor and other swords. It starts feeling more like Ye Olde Castle Depot. I hear that if you buy a moat, they’ll get the permits and install it for you, crocodiles and everything.
CLICK HERE to see the Home Depot page with the sword for sale. It’s fun reading the comments in the Question and Answers section.