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Companies tested 4 day work weeks for a year. Here’s what they found.

By Austin Michael Mar 26, 2024 | 7:55 PM

A little over a year ago, I talked about how several companies in the UK were going to test out how 4 day work weeks affected the staff, the company, and basically everything at work. In the study, everyone still had to do 100% of the work that they would have normally done in a 5 day week. Everything stayed the same, including pay, just less days.

A year after it all started, they have results. 89% of the companies have decided to keep the 4 day work week because it increased efficiency, lowered turnover, and made everyone happier. However, some experts point out that it doesn’t translate as well, if at all to blue collar jobs where it’s not as easy as getting the same job done in less time.

Back when Conan O’Brien was in his heyday, they only did 4 shows a week. I wrote the producers asking why they never did a show on Friday. The return e-mail I got only had 4 words on it, “Just lucky I guess.”