The newest weight loss sensation is……………. Costco. Wait, what?
Seriously, medically supervised weight loss through Costco. They’ll let you pick out a clinician, have a video consultation, hook you up with a nutrition guide, and work with you with a treatment program. That also means getting you Ozempic, Wegovy, and other drug prescriptions.
The website for the Costco weight loss program shows 5 physicians to choose from. It also reads like this sells in three month increments at $179. It also says you can expect to lose 15% of your body weight in 12 months. It doesn’t talk about the price of prescriptions. It says that you don’t have to be a Costco member to join in, but members get additional discounts. Although, if you are a Costco member, you’d be able to buy a 6 pound jug of sour cream and a pack of 84 burritos then pick up some Ozempic to keep it off your hips. So, there’s that perk.
HERE link to their page is this is something you want to look into.