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Lost girl thinks famous TV cop is real. TV cop helps find mom.

By Austin Michael Apr 19, 2024 | 6:55 PM

Mariska Hargitay isn’t a cop, but she plays one on TV……… and is convincing enough that a lost little girl asked her for help last week. To be fair, Mariska was filming a scene out on the street and had her show clothes and badge on. Also, the little girl appears to be around 6 years old. She’s probably never seen “Law and Order” or Mariska on TV.

Mariska stop filming and spent 20 minutes helping the child eventually find her mom. The mother has green hair. So, I can see how the kid might have gotten confused, thinking her mom was somebody else that is a well know resident of New York…….. Oscar The Grouch.

Mariska said that there’s an actual thing with fans and people who work on the show where they say, What would Oliva do?” meaning her character in the show. So she went into Olivia mode to help reunite the mom and daughter.