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Austin’s cool new do sure to be fashion fire! Vid in blog.

By Austin Michael May 9, 2024 | 7:55 PM

While I was on vacation, I created a new hairstyle that will surely being the hottest trend for 2024. I call it “The Road Dash”. My hair is black on top, black on bottom, and white in the middle of my head going horizontally. It looks like the white lines that are broken up in the middle of streets..…. Road dashes. You can check it out on a video at my blog.

Here’s all you need to do to get your own Road Dash and be the coolest cat this summer.

First, inherit the hair gene that makes sure the bottom inch of your hair at the back of your head is always black no matter if everything else turns grey.

Next, let everything else turn grey.

Then dye everything black.

Let it grow out for a month or so. BUT, you have to be able to grow the hair on the top of your head half as slow as the rest.

Finally, get a haircut with a 4 guard on the side and 2 inches on the top.

Since the hair on top stays longer, it stays black, but the short stuff comes our grey again in the middle while the bottom does its weird thing about always staying black.

I’m sharing the idea for free. Check it out on my blog. You’re welcome.