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Take stairs or die by crocodile.

By Austin Michael May 22, 2024 | 7:55 PM

There’s more news about how great taking the stairs is for you. After following around half a million people for a study, they found that stair climbing reduced the risk of dying from something cardiovascular related by 39%. That was expected. What caught my attention was that they also found that it cut the risk of dying from ANY cause by 24%. I don’t think their use of “any” includes plane crashes. Although, I could see it helping in crocodile attacks. You might be able to build enough endurance and spunk to wrestle one of them toothy reptiles.
Stairs take a lot of work. I just started doing the stair stepper at the gym a couple months ago. I only made it about 4 minutes my first time. I can bike 20 miles easily, but stairs……….. guh. 2 months into it and I’m finally up to 10 minutes. I’d like to see a crocodile do 10 minutes on the stair stepper.

CLICK HERE to read more about the study.