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Fertility probably affected by micro plastic build up in gonads.

By Austin Michael May 22, 2024 | 6:55 PM

All the articles I’ve been reading about forever chemicals and plastic particles have been making more concerned this last year. Especially since Jenny and I have been re-using Cool Whip and margarine containers for leftovers and heating them up in the microwave…… for, like a decade now. So, over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been buying containers that are rated safe on all that. And just in time too.

Because, today I read that new research found that plastic particles are building up in men’s reproductive organs. I know that kind of sounds like it’d be a news story someone would use for jokes on a crazy morning zoo show, but it’s actually serious. Micro plastics could reduce the ability of men to have children. All men.

And yes, I have plenty of jokes, but I’m being told by management to keep them to myself.

Anyhoo, from what I understand, micro plastics pretty much stay in your lungs, brain, and now, for men, nether regions, forever. Outside of the body, they can take between 100 and 1,000 years to break down.