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Deadly snake mailed in packaged, possible murder attempt.

By Austin Michael May 23, 2024 | 6:55 PM

Ways that people have tried to get away with murder…….. surprise stabbings, sneaky smothering, mailing live rattlesnakes to the victim………. Wait what?

A guy in California recently received a package in the mail that had a 2 foot long, live rattle snake in it.

You’re thinking what I first thought. How does a RATTLE snake get by the post office to begin with? Whoever sent the package padded the box with cotton for sound protection.

Still. Chances are that a live snake isn’t going to survive in a box while being mailed. This one did, though.

In fact, the California man who received it had his friend open the box while he was driving. According to him, “When she opened the box, she threw it at me. And she says, ‘There’s a snake in there.’” Because, throwing boxes at people driving the car you’re in, especially boxes full of angry, deadly snakes, is never a safety risk. I mean, as long as you have a seat belt on.

They pulled over and called 911. Animal services took the snake.

By the way, rattlesnakes are common in California. There was an instance 2 years ago where they found 92 of them living under a home.