You can’t create the best moments in life. They’re spontaneous and unexpected. Case in point.
32 year old Amy Perry recently got married. At the wedding, she released a bunch of butterflies to honor her deceased father. Everyone expected to watch them flitter off into the sky. That would have been a nice moment. But it didn’t happen that way.
When released, the butterflies flew over to Amy and landed on her. They spread their wings adding pretty patterns on her white dress. Reflecting on the moment, Amy said, “In that moment, I felt a rush of emotions — gratitude for the beauty of the moment and a deep sense of connection to those around me.”
This could become a wedding trend. All we’d need to do is spray every bride’s dress with sugar water. And why stop with butterflies. We could release doves and figure out a way to get 7 or 8 of them to land on the bride and groom for the rest of the ceremony. What could go wrong?