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Who still has landlines? Survey says……….

By Austin Michael Oct 11, 2024 | 2:00 PM

The Center for Disease and Control just finished more than 20 years of research on people who still have landlines in their homes. They found out some interesting demographic information. If you still own a landline, listen closely and see if any of these describe you.

First, landliners………… I imagine that what pirates with cell phones call them……. “Garrr, them landliners, arrrgh!” Landliners tend be be older.

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Also, a larger number of people living in the northeastern part of the US have kept their landlines. Researchers think it’s because of the large number of older, multigenerational homes.

Women are more likely to be landliners.

And landliners are more likely to be risk takers. This is the part that the CDC was interested in. They found that people who cut the phone cords and went wireless are often renters, more likely to drink and smoke, and less likely to wear seatbelts. They saw this behavior even when they compared same aged, including older, people.

So, apparently if you’re a person without a home phone, you’re also a rebel without a cause!

FYI, 20 years ago 95% of Americans had land lines at home. Today, it’s down to 25%.