Our Promotions Director has installed a side view mirror……… on her office door. This is genius! This is an actual shot of her sitting at her desk from my camera outside the office.
Maria, who you probably know if you’ve ever won anything from us, has an office that sits at a weird angle to the main flow of traffic in that area of the building. Also, she’s constantly bombarded by sales people, DJs, and others who are involved with any of the 5 or more promotions we have going on at any given time. This way she can see them coming. I mean, who wants to see this guy, Cory from Froggy 98, first thing in the morning?
Maria told me she just wants to be able to see who’s at the water cooler. That’s the nice answer. However, the real answer probably has something to do with being able to know when to close the door and pretend she’s not in.
This is the kind of out of the box thinking that makes her so good at what she does. Maria, by the way, was the driving force behind the Swift Dogs event at Haymarket park last year. So, I clicked here from Facebook, give a shout.
That said, I need to finish filling out the form to be on Shark Tank. I think they’re going to like my new line of mirrors for office doors.