Here’s a prime example of why I do not trust online AIs like Chat GTP.
The French government had their own version, very similar to Chat GTP. Everyone could use it to look up info and get answers. Except the AI is loopy as a cross eyed cowboy. This French AI, called Lucie, has been spouting ridiculous answers.
One person asked about eggs. Lucie answered, “Cow’s eggs, also known as chicken’s eggs, are edible eggs produced by cows. Cow’s eggs are a source of protein and nutrients, and are considered to be a healthy and nutritious food.”
Other people posted screen shots of Lucie giving nonsense answers about mathematical equations. What is 5 times 5 got an answer of 17. And my favorite is when she said, “The square root of goat is one”.
Lucie went online last Thursday and was pulled on Saturday. The developers said that they were carried away by their own enthusiasm in getting Lucie to the public.
I would love to chat with Lucie. I’m constantly throwing stupid questions at Alexa. She always answers, “I don’t think I can help you with that.” I bet Lucie would be more fun. I’m still waiting to find out what the velocity of blue is.