On a flight to Charlotte last week, Jenny we experienced the worst turbulence that I have ever been in my whole life. Typically, turbulence will feel like a slight drop or a little shake to one side.
Awww heck naw. Not this time.
This was drop so hard and fast that your head would slam the carry on cabinet without a seat belt. The plane jerked so hard sideways that our shoulders slammed into each other. AND, the plane’s wings tipped down violently with the other jerking up. Bonus, it went on for around 15 minutes. People were screaming and praying.
And even with all that, I was fine as long as my eyes were closed………… until the laughing began.
A small child, somewhere behind us, was laughing with glee as if she were at an amusement park. It was surreal. Imagine the classic horror movie, scared people in the dark in dangerous circumstances, fearing for their lives and in the background, like a demented circus clown who feeds off the fear of others. All we needed was weird circus music.
Listen to a dramatic re-enactment: