Sugar free slushies can make children really sick. I saw that headline today and thought, “That sounds a little scary.” The gist is that a new study found that a group of children who all ate sugar free slushies that contain glycerol started feeling sick within an hour.
Glycerol is used in sugar free to maintain the slushiness. Too much glycerol makes kids go into what’s known as Glycerol Intoxication Syndrome. It causes a rise in fat levels in the blood, low potassium, and for the study group of kids…………94% experienced a drop in consciousness and 95% had a dangerously low blood sugar.
They didn’t say what brand of slushy was used, but they did note that glycerol levels in slushies overall the past few years have gone up. They suggest staying away from slush drinks with or without sugar.
By the way, I knew glycerol is in some stuff, but I had no idea how much stuff; food, pharmaceuticals, skin and health care products, toothpaste, antifreeze, soups, food colorings………… almost everything. So, broccoli slushies for everyone from now on! Yay!!!