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St. Pat’s Day- Fun Fact!

By Austin Michael Mar 17, 2025 | 12:00 PM

Fun fact about St. Patrick……… he was captured by pirates when he was young and sold into slavery in Ireland. That lasted for years until he finally escaped by running off to a monastery in England. That’s where he became Christian, eventually a Bishop, and then went back to Ireland as a missionary.

He was so devout in his faith that he had the courage to return to where he was being held as a slave. I wonder if he would have went if his superiors offered him options. What if his boss, some Cardinal, had said, “You’ve been doing great and it’s time to spread the good word. We have a couple possible relocations open, Hawaii or Ireland.” Then St Patrick was like, “There’s so much sun in Hawaii and I burn so easy. Also, the only sunscreen that’s been invented is mud. So, I’ll simply return to the comforts of rain and cold most of the year and eating stew made from lamb eyes if it’s all the same to you.”