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Rare chance to see 5 planets in sky coming soon. Details and video of how to see them in blog.

By Austin Michael Mar 22, 2023 | 3:01 PM

5 planets are going into alignment soon. Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Mars will all be line up in an arc formation March 25th through the 30th. You might need binoculars and get away from city lights to see them, but here’s how you do it. Shortly after the Sun dips below the horizon, look to the west. Low in the sky, where the Sun just set, Jupiter and Mercury will appear side-by-side.

Dwindling sunlight might make them hard to see with the naked eye. So, if you can’t spot them at first, try binoculars. You’ll only be able to see those 2 for a little less than an hour. Then they sink below the horizon. But, you’ll then see Venus. It’ll look very bright like a star. Below it will be Jupiter. Uranus will also be bright like a star above and to the left of Venus.  Those three will fade a little after an hour. Then it’s Mars’s turn. It’ll show up bright red above and slightly left of the moon March 25-27. It’ll be below the moon the 28th on.