There’s been a lot of hoopla about aliens the past month with videos of them flying around ships. Now the Pentagon says it’s going to release a UFO report by the end of the month. People are expecting to find out government secrets and proof, etc, etc.
What if they report says that there are aliens and that they government has been telling us about for them years via TV shows? What if all the shows between 1970 and now, that had main characters from outer space, we based in reality? How cool would it be if there is actually a planet Ork? Alf would be cool, except for the cat eating thing. Then there’s the Kardashians……… oh, you didn’t know? I’m told that they’re aliens too.
Anyway, if you could pick one of the aliens from tv shows to be real, which would it be? I’m going to stick with Mork from Ork. Nanu, nanu!