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New type of Twinkie and Pineapple Pepsi – news and reviews.

By Austin Michael Jul 20, 2023 | 7:55 PM

There’s a new food/ flavor mix that is, finally, not a limited time special. Hostess is taking two of its existing products, Twinkies and Ding Dongs, and creating a hybrid of the two. The end product is basically a Twinkie that’s covered in that wax like fudge, in the shape of a Ding Dong treat. It also has the Twinkie cream in the middle. They’ll come as 10 packs and sold at Wal-Mart.

Or maybe you can try the new Pineapple Pepsi. From what I understand, it’s exclusive to Little Caesar’s pizza places. That just came out Monday. They’re also offering it as a combo with pizzas, although I don’t think you have to have pineapple on your pizza. The Pepsi can is also different. It’s got a summer vibe going on with cartoon pictures of pineapple all over it.  I’ve never had pineapple on pizza. But you know me. I’ll eat anything at least once. Although, I think I’m going to pass on the Twinkie/ Ding Dong thing. Mainly because of that so called fudge covering. It never seems to taste or act like normal chocolate.