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Zoo animals at the airport. Fun stuff they’re doing in Philly.

By Austin Michael Aug 9, 2023 | 6:55 PM

Here’s what happens when a zoo and an airport work together…….. they help reduce stress for the plane passengers. In Philly, the zoo has been bringing animals like armadillos, macaws, and turtles to the airport for people to interact with. This way, people waiting in line have something neat to interact with and lower the stress from long lines and worrying about flights.

There have been several studies that point to how being around pets and other animals brings down levels of cortisol, which is related to being stressed out. It also lowers blood pressure. Also, animals boost moods and reduce loneliness.

The Omaha airport is just down the road to the best zoo in the world. That’d be super cool if Henry Doorley took some animals to the terminals. A baby elephant was just born there. How about that? And maybe a couple of the sharks? At least the penguins.