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Chase Porter, KLIN News

Election Day Board Workers Needed In Lancaster County

By Tom Stanton Dec 6, 2023 | 2:39 PM

Lancaster County Election Commissioner Todd Wiltgen says Election Day board workers are needed in 2024. The primary election will be on Tuesday, May 14th and the general election will be held on Tuesday, November 5th


“There is nothing more fundamental in America than our right to vote” Wiltgen says.  “We are grateful for the hundreds of election workers who serve on Election Day, ensuring we continue having safe and secure elections.”


Wiltgen says they need more than 1,000 board workers to staff 198 precincts in Lancaster County on Election Day. Workers must be a registered voter and able to work on Election Day from 7:00 a.m. until shortly after the polls close at 8:00 p.m. Physical requirements include good eyesight, good hearing and the ability to sit for an extended period.


Election board workers enjoy the same civil leave protections as those who serve on jury duty. “Employers must allow an employee the time off to serve as an election board worker without threat of or loss of personal or holiday pay, sick leave, overtime pay, or any other form of penalty for absence when serving as an election board worker,”

Wiltgen says.


The Election Commission recently updated the application and training process for those interested in serving on an election board. Individuals may now submit a board worker application on the Commission’s website at www.lancaster.ne.gov/election.  Training will be available online prior to each election. Board workers will be paid for the thirteen-plus hours they work on Election Day plus a stipend for participating in online training.    


If you have questions about serving as an election board worker call the Election Commissioner’s Office at (402) 441-7311.