There’s a Mickey Mouse slasher movie where he murders people now. Why? Because………… lazy shock value to make money. To be more precise, it’s the Steamboat Willie version of Mickey Mouse from about 100 years ago. That particular version just went into public domain Monday. A movie trailer for “Mickey’s Mouse Trap”, a horror movie, came out the same day. They’ve already produced the movie. They were just waiting for the day it was legal. The director says they just had fun with it. After watching the trailer, I don’t know if they had fun, but I can tell that they didn’t have much of a budget. I did chuckle a bit when there was a serious shot, ominous music in the back, and we just see a shadow on a wall……… a shadow of a pair of mouse ears turning.
I will admit the tag line is catchy. It’s “The mouse is out.”
I think it’s supposed to be in theaters in March.
I’m not going to put the video on my blog, but here is a link to watch the trailer if you care to.