It’s starting to look like drugs meant for diabetes can help with almost everything. There’s one called Tirzepatide that’s been used for diabetes and weight loss. Now it’s being tested to help with sleep apnea. Some people saw their sleep events cut in half while taking it.
CPAPs should be called CPains. I use the pillows, two tubes that go in your nose. Sometimes they come out when I’m sleeping. Then it’s a huge hissing noise that wakes Jenny and I both up. But if I don’t use it, I snore a lot. Also, costly. I just bought a new 6 foot air tube and head gear. After insurance, it still came to $91.
Although, I just looked up prices for Tirzepatide. It’s $800 for 12 weeks. A $35 plastic tube doesn’t sound so bad anymore.
They haven’t said anything about actually selling the drug for sleep apnea, although about 1/8th of the world’s population have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea contributes to heart and health problems.