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Next time you have hiccups, do this

By Bic Aug 19, 2024 | 7:04 AM

Instead of holding your breath, gargling ice water, or having someone scare you… maybe this hiccup remedy will become your go-to hack.

All we need to do is drip some lemon or lime juice into the back of your throat. And voila! That’s it.

Jeremy London is a heart doc from Savannah, GA and he shared this simple trick on TikTok. He isn’t exactly sure why it works, but he has some theories. It might stimulate the vagus nerve, activate throat muscles, change the pH in your throat, or just distract your body enough to stop the hiccups.

What triggers hiccups? Laughing too hard, stress, eating too quickly, or chewing gum (which causes a person to swallow air).

So, the next time you’re battling hiccups, give this hack a whirl!