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Look Ma, no hands! (Video)

By Brooke Summers Mar 25, 2022 | 11:15 AM

Not sure of this is genius, insanity or the next step in our evolution to laziness. The guy in the U.K, named Joseph built a conveyor belt to feed himself an entire five course (using that term VERY loosely as one of the courses was a hot dog) meal, all with no hands needed. Yes, I said a conveyor belt! This man made a Rube Goldberg machine to feed his face and I’m not quite sure how I feel.

The meal starts with a soup, don’t worry he starts them off with a napkin. Next come the salad, with the help of a hair dryer. Them corn, a hot dog and last but not least dessert.

Since it’s his invention, he handles it perfectly but what about people that aren’t quite as familiar? How do his friends fare? You gotta watch and get a good laugh or two.