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Promising peanut allergy treatment for kids. 3/4 in study achieved remission.

By Austin Michael Jun 14, 2022 | 7:35 PM

Good news for parents with kids who have peanut allergies. Researchers in Australia have been testing immunotherapies and a couple are showing strong promise on putting peanut allergies into remission for children. The article talks a lot about Th2 cells, which help handle allergens, and how those cells can help turn off the allergic reactions. All in all, 74% of the kids in the study went into remission after 18 months of treatment. The treatment used immunotherapy along with probiotics.

I can’t imagine having to worry about peanuts being dangerous. Peanut butter has been my go to protein for long bicycle rides for 25 years. We literally have 9 containers of it in the cupboard. When they go on sale, we buy a bunch of chunky for jenny and a bunch of honey roasted smooth for me. We each take a couple to work too. I like to snack on Wheat Thins dipped in peanut butter.