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Answer to reducing plastics found in…… cemetery.

By Austin Michael Jun 17, 2022 | 7:36 PM

We’ve been looking in the wrong place to solve the plastic problem. We should have been tossing it all in cemeteries. German scientists who were looking through compost piles at a cemetery found a new enzyme that eats through plastic faster than anything else. This new enzyme completely broke down one of them plastic clam shells, the kind you get at a grocery store salad bar, in 24 hours. The other reason this is a great find is that recycling plastic requires a lot of heat. That heat is produced by using energy using other materials, etc, etc. This way, we can just throw a liquid solution containing this new enzyme on a pile of plastic and walk away.

The article doesn’t say, but I do wonder if it has to be in a cemetery to create this enzyme. Are decomposing bodies required? If so, we can be proud that our loved ones are still helping make the world a better place even from the hereafter.