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City bans peeing in the ocean off their beaches.

By Austin Michael Jun 22, 2022 | 8:03 PM

A city in Spain that has a popular beach has enacted a law that fines people who pee in the ocean. If you relieve yourself while in the water, it’ll cost you around $600. I know that there is a chemical you can put in water that will turn a certain color from urine, but how you gonna do that with the ocean? Or do they have secret underwater life guards that specialize in seeing the body movements that people make when peeing under water?

I went to You Tube to try to find more information about this town and the new law. There wasn’t anything about that, but I was surprised by the overwhelming number of videos that people have posted about themselves peeing in the ocean. Hundreds? Why? There are also instructional vids on how to get away with peeing on the beach. What is wrong with people??? I did a You Tube search of “How To Cure Cancer”. Two. There were two submissions on possible ways to finding cures. Again, pee in the ocean, hundreds.